This site is in the process of being migrated from a previous system. Strange excerpts or content might persist until I clean up the data.


Latest articles and thoughts

All Change

CraftEnergyEntryFive ThingsMusings

Crafty Goodness

CraftEntryFive ThingsFunPersonalQuiet Time

At the end of the day...



We went for our morning walk.

EnergyEntryFive ThingsFunGratitudeIndiiMe Time

Off She Goes

So anyway, we're having dinner and a catchup before taking my mum to the airport for her to return home for a day before heading off on her trip round the world (almost).



I was riding in on the train this morning. My mind was on a topic discussed at the weekend. I've been pondering on this for about 8 months now and I keep changing my mind. I kept getting confused betw...

AuthenticityCommunicationConsciousnessEntrySelf Discovery


Some of you know that Jo and I have been anticipating a change in circumstances. Not the sole reason for changing our minds on Castlemaine, but one that made it easier.


Thank Fuck



[![](/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/DSC_6464-300x199.jpg "Cedar and Oak Monument")](/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/DSC_6464.jpg)[![](/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/DSC_6473-300x199.jpg "Yo-yo")](https://bendec...

EntryFive ThingsUncategorized

At Other People's Expense

"Nope," I reply, the only person standing at the door way and only one of about 4 people on the entire carriage.


What a Week

Tuesday came along and I had something to write about. I even wrote the blog on the way home on the train, but I want to add photos. Still haven't gotten to that, but I will.

CommunicationEnergyEntryMe Time


There were 20 or more cases being heard during the one hour session, and the solicitors went first. Their time costs more per hour than mine. I guess that's the rationale. Every solicitor approached t...

EntryLife Changing Event