Post number two for today.
I was riding in on the train this morning. My mind was on a topic discussed at the weekend. I've been pondering on this for about 8 months now and I keep changing my mind. I kept getting confused between my head and my heart.
On the way in on the train this morning, I tried to determined exactly what my heart felt, and when I got to work I tried to write it out.
And for the first time in a long time, my head stood aside. I tend to have to write things three times: once to get it out, then to clean it up, finally to make it from the heart. This came from the heart first go.
You can tell when that's the case; that it's from the heart. When it is, you can share your feelings with confidence with those who might not like to hear it. You can take a risk, safe in the knowledge that you're being true to yourself.