Latest articles and thoughts
Step-up your Streaming with these Seven Suggestions
When exploring online alternatives - the digital analogues, so to speak - the adoption of prerecorded video and live streaming has rocketed to the extent that worldwide supplies videography equipment ...
Why access to retained data in civil proceedings should not be permissible
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You share your life on Facebook...
Somewhat related to the “if you’ve got nothing to hide, you’ve got nothing to fear” argument.
Why I Moved from Signal to WhatsApp
It's probably one of the major contributors to making secure, encrypted, safe communication accessible to all. I recommend it to anyone, if you're not already encrypting your communications.
How Apple can Ethically unlock the iPhone for the FBI
### Preamble
The Problem With "Those Who Are Not For Us Are Against Us"
> There is no more neutrality in the world. You either have to be part of the solution, or you're going to be part of the problem — Eldridge Cleaver
Workshop Discounts
Any one-, two-, or three-day workshop running between the 5th and 7th September inclusive, won't attract a travel cost, and training fees will be discounted by 10%! For a group of 6, that's a total sa...
Sending Secure Messages
Head to For security reasons, I recommend you type that address, including the https part, manually, and completely. If you don't, there is a small chance that you will end up...
The Myth of the Innocuousness of Metadata
## Redacted?
Is Failure Attractive?
I was invited to present at the inaugural Australian PHP Conference, and offered to give a talk on writing a virus. What ensued was the most catastrophic sequence of events. Can you imagine how the audience reacted?
I wasn't sure what to expect; I'd been keeping up to date with the information Edward Snowden had released to Laura Poitras and Glenn Greenwald already, as has most of the world. Similarly, I had read...
Is Fingerprint Authentication Breeding Insecurity?
So, should you be concerned about the security implications of giving your fingerprint to your phone?