This site is in the process of being migrated from a previous system. Strange excerpts or content might persist until I clean up the data.


Latest articles and thoughts

Banks going Biometric

- something you know, - something you have, - something you are.

Data SovereigntyPersonalPrivacySecurityUncategorized

Privacy and Security in a Mobile Phone World

This question, though, was met with silence, a pause, a smile and a one line response: "I'll have to write a whole blog post about that topic!"


You're a Fucking Idiot - Or How Not to Start a Conversation

This is the greeting that came to me with a thick Australian accent from a blue Holden ute (pickup truck) at the lights on the way to work this morning. I had filtered to the front on my motorbike and...


Craft for a Purpose

Most of my crafting has been for pure fun ([seahorses](/2011/03/09/crocheting/ "Crocheting"), [jellyfish](/2011/04/01/crafty-goodness/ "Crafty Goodness"), and more) and more recently I made myself som...


Back in to the Fray, my Friends

For those who don't know me, I used to have my fingers in lots of pies, and by all accounts kept sane whilst doing so. This time, however, I want to concentrate on a few areas and do them well. I'm st...


Same-Sex Marriage - A People's Issue

This picture \[[from here](\] shows current stats on the _Inquiry into t...


On Online Anonymity

> And this we may truly affirm to be a great proof that a man is just, not willingly or because he thinks that justice is any good to him individually, but of necessity, for wherever any one thinks th...

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When are Email Addresses Private?

This is the question I received, from someone who's friend was offered five cases of carbonated, aspartame filled drink, if he signs away his right to sue the manufacturer of said beverage for "accide...


Personal Information: Undervalued Precious Commodity or Currency for Convenience?

"Your personal information is a precious commodity, and companies will go to great lengths to get their hands on as much of it as possible." -- Emma Draper, Privacy International

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Is Sharing the Next Form of Currency?

So if you pin a poem, photo or recipe without the poet's, photographer's or cook's written consent to redistribute their work (which is what you're doing), you're breaking the law.


Male Privilege is Tough, Isn't It?

Male privilege is rife in the technical and engineering world; I'm sure it is elsewhere, but this is where I see it most often, and it saddens me that the cycle isn't changing fast enough. Man stands ...


What is Freedom?

![Protest sign: "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" -- Goethe](
