This site is in the process of being migrated from a previous system. Strange excerpts or content might persist until I clean up the data.


Latest articles and thoughts

Textarea Placeholder with New Lines

HTML5 comes with a new placeholder attribute, in to which you can place text to show in a form field when it's empty. Think of it like a suggestion or sample text. In previous lives, we would have had...

JavascriptjQueryOpen SourceSoftware Development

The Problem with Australian Super Laws

Today, though, I read this petition, [Only Super For Some](, which calls for Australia to "change current superannuat...


Lost: Bag & MacBook Pro, $500 for safe return (corner Brunswick Street and Johnston Street)

There was also a bloody fantastic home-cooked lunch in it.


Last day in Hà Nội

I've checked out and am sitting in the lobby catching up on my blog, drinking more Vietnamese coffee, waiting to catch a cab to the airport in an hour. How do I wrap up the week I've had? So many mixe...


Taking it Slow: Shopping in the Old Quarter

Waiting out the front of the hotel, I'm watching with continued bemusement as the traffic goes by. Those images you see of unbelievable loads on vehicles on the 'net, they're all normalised by this ci...


Một hai ba, yo

The company I'm working with had their company party last night, and boy do they know how to celebrate. The whole office shut down at 3pm, and after dropping my laptop off at the hotel, I was whisked ...


If it looks like a Duck

Trigger Warning: if you have a problem with the graphic description of meaty dishes, get a paper bag ready.


Good Morning Vietnam!

The team spent the morning finalising changes to documentation, and we met at 11 for the planning session, which ended up taking 5 hours. It was a tiring and hard day, and I suspect tomorrow will be t...

FoodOn The JobTravelWork

Traffic in Hà Nội

I sat in the back of the taxi, quietly amused that there wasn't a seat belt (noting my hosts didn't even look for hers) for the impending 45 minute, roller coaster ride in to the city. Thuong asked me...


Excuse me, I have a Frog in my Throat

The two tables we sat at each had a hole in the middle, with a burner set under them. On these burners would be placed large pots containing a watery soup, to which other foods would be added to cook ...


The Nothing to Hide argument

"If you aren't doing anything illegal why would you care if someone captures your license plate number?" "If I'm not doing anything illegal, why do the police need to record my license plate number?" ...


The Pervasiveness of Unquestioned Data Sharing

My partner's daughter went to a friend's birthday party at Build-a-Bear last weekend and came home with a lovely stuffed toy in a dress, and she excitedly told me that it has been chipped so that if l...

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