Latest articles and thoughts
That'll explain why it wasn't on last month either!
Today has been full of Magick
A friend in Queensland posted this on Facebook today: Today has been full of Magic. Seems Magick has found its way to Victoria too, with today marking closure of a number of things that have been hang...
My Mentors
I have a great set of teams that help me in my life. They all help give me another perspective on a situation, an option, an opportunity. They all respect that the final decision is mine, but are more...
Mind Induced Fear
Then, the strangest thing happened. We were there for about 20 minutes, and 10 minutes in, I started feeling uneasy. I wasn't sure why. Jo noticed it almost immediately, unsurprisingly, but I didn't e...
Hours to spare and nowhere to be
The discussion of breakfast came up, and no-one particularly wanted to cook, so we decided to go to our local beach-side cafe and take our wool-work with us. We arrived just a smidge before 11am, mean...
My Passion
My mum retired over a year ago, freeing up all the time until then filled with a day job and filling it with all the things that had been put on hold. Invariably, the amount of stuff on hold will not ...
Addendum: We're not going anywhere!
You see we have both wanted this for so long, even before we got together. This dream of land and of self-sustainability is something we both want so much, that when an opportunity came to us, when we...
7.50am, Jo comes in my room and says she still wants to go. Let's do it, I say. And so, within 30 minutes, Mum, Jo and I are showered, Button's fed, bag's packed, cat's fed and we're on the road. 10.2...
Quiet Time
You see, I've become increasingly aware of how much noise affects me. I went through this Saturday not hearing myself. I heard lots of talking, some of it even great conversation, but a lot of it was ...
The Power of Enjoyable Work
I finished my boring work ahead of schedule today, so was given some of next weeks work. This was a project I knew well, that I had scoped changes on and been part of the process of from the beginning...
Extra Curricular Income
Life has been quite cruisey recently. Some major news in the brewing, but mostly just freaking awesome.