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Addendum: We're not going anywhere!
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Addendum: We're not going anywhere!

You see we have both wanted this for so long, even before we got together. This dream of land and of self-sustainability is something we both want so much, that when an opportunity came to us, when we...

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Oh yes, I was just catching up on Jo's blog and read her entry for Friday. I haven't shared with my friends and family the exciting news about our move to the country. It's off.

You see we have both wanted this for so long, even before we got together. This dream of land and of self-sustainability is something we both want so much, that when an opportunity came to us, when we found that perfect piece of land, we grabbed it with both hands and ran with it. We saw an opportunity and took it as quickly as it had been offered. I love, so much, that Jo is as impulsive as I am. It can be dangerous, but it'll never kill us.

Papers arrived on Wednesday for us to sign. Once signed, the machine would take over and we'd just have to watch the calendar flip over to May 20. And as we looked at them, we thought, what if.

You see there are some new opportunities awaiting us. A change in circumstances has made a more appealing alternative possible. And after talking on the train in to work on Thursday morning, we decided now, and there, wasn't right. So we called and emailed our financial team to organise for this particular opportunity to be relinquished. There is another awaiting us, which I'm looking forward to even more.

I think, having had this dream for so long, it had become greater than itself, and was consuming us. Having worked it through our systems, we're now able to view it in perspective again, and pursue that which will make us truly happy, rather than merely satisfied with the outcome.