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Some of you know that Jo and I have been anticipating a change in circumstances. Not the sole reason for changing our minds on Castlemaine, but one that made it easier.

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Today gets two posts, because today two things happened to me of significance.

Some of you know that Jo and I have been anticipating a change in circumstances. Not the sole reason for changing our minds on Castlemaine, but one that made it easier.

I've been working on creating this change and have been meeting with various people who can help me get there. One thing that I've been aware of is my undoubting position that it will happen.

Well, last week saw a potential stumbling block, which seemed to indicate I might need to change direction in order to achieve my desired goal, and after feeling a little rejected my mum suggested ignoring the block and persevering with the current path a little longer. I got in touch with one of the people helping me on that path and waited.

There's a phrase or philosophy that I've seen in a number of wealth creation texts, and it's that you need to do nothing but take action. In other words, don't keep doing stuff that causes you to get in your own way, but concentrate instead on facilitating action. Get out of the way and let the Universe do its magick. Of course sometimes that facilitation will require you to *do* something, but often-times it won't.

So while I grew despondent at times, and Jo was steady as a rock, reminding me not to manifest what I didn't want, I waited. And waited.

And waited.

And today the despondency hit again. I thought the path had dried up and my investment opportunity would need to change direction after all.

In fact I was just about to tell a friend about my hunch when I got an SMS. "Check your email" it said. And so I did, and perseverance had paid off.

I'm not out of the woods yet, but this story in my life reinforces the tenets of wealth creation so aptly. And that in itself was a lesson worth learning. That in itself makes this path worth treading.