Latest articles and thoughts
Wanna buy a shed?
Here's the story. The neighbours I referred to in the [previous post]( have decided to sell (again - long story) but there may be a sticking point i...
Weekend Warriors
That is until someone gets hurt.
Post OSDC thoughts
We're very excited that OSDC is going global, with [the next conference]( being organised by the Israeli Perl Mongers and the Python user group! What's more, they're lucky enou...
I need sleep!
We've been encouraging people who took photos to stick them up at [flickr]( with the [tag "osdc2005"]( Yours truly can even be [seen here he...
WorkChoices: Tell Senator Barnaby Joyce what you think
We have a little over 3 days to get our views to him, and I would encourage everyone who feels this bill can only be a bad thing, to [sign the petition now](
OSDC : Get your early bird tickets now!
Not only that, but if you register before the 31st of October you will also receive a conference t-shirt.
A tear ran down my cheek
Sound familiar? It will if you've been following Australian politics. These words are not in response to John Howard's latest plans, however. I just read them at [ThinkSocialist](http://thinksocialist...
Running OS Commerce on PHP5
The home page loaded fine, but heading to the admin page, I get "Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in .../admin/includes/classes/upload.php on line 31". I figured that I'd document the changes requi...
The new job
The crunch came when the installer couldn't detect the network card. Arguably the worst device not to find, because there's no net connection, and you can't apt-get or download the drivers you need. O...
Wanna outsource your life?
Not only does this mean you don't have to remember to pay your credit cards, write that complaint to the airline company for screwing up your meal, or buying a present for your son, but apparently it'...