This site is in the process of being migrated from a previous system. Strange excerpts or content might persist until I clean up the data.


Latest articles and thoughts

A few things that amused me today


Free SSL Certificates!

- The use a web-of-trust system of assurance to make sure people are who they say they are - You need to be assured by at least 2 highly trusted assureres to create a server certificate - They [protec...

HostingUncategorizedWork Life

"Computer Literate Systems Engineer" threatens CentOS for hacking their site

HostingOpen SourcePoliticsUncategorized

Why Grammar is the First Casualty of War


My quote

In it, Eric Wilson focuses on the increase in the use of PHP in corporate environments, particularly against ASP.NET. This is, in a way, comparing apples with pears, as PHP is a language, and ASP.NET ...

Open SourceWork Life

I've been quoted!

The article is, so I understood, a comparative look at ASP and PHP, and the article came out today. I haven't bought it yet, but a friend just called me to tell me I'm in there!

Open SourceWork Life

PHP Usage Stats

Unfortunately, I didn't have figures in my head, and the other person told me that Sourceforge had 12,000 Java projects, and only 2,000 PHP projects.

HostingOpen SourceRandomUncategorizedWork Life

Open Source Developers' Club AGM

The address is:

Open SourceWork Life

The Simpsons come to life

The actors, apparently chosen because they can be easily identified with, finally settle on their couch to watch the cartoon version of the show.


Soar with the Eagles



You're driving home. You're behind a motorcyclist doing the speed limit. You want to go a bit faster. The highway's a bit busy, so you can't over take. You start tailgating. A hidden on-ramp hides an ...


First PHP course scheduled

Work Life