This site is in the process of being migrated from a previous system. Strange excerpts or content might persist until I clean up the data.


Latest articles and thoughts

Have you heard of a Conservation License?

Although the land is not your by title, while you have a license for conservation, it it yours to do with as you please as long as you're acting within the guidelines of the license. Bulldozing the wh...

Bogie BushEnvironment

Even real people say stupid things...

I would imagine having extra people pointing hoses at fires can only help, whereas sending untrained people to war is tantamount to murder. Now whether there are enough hoses to go around is another m...


Definition of life-long friends...

On leaving her job at Channel 10, Jennifer Hansen was reported to have said that:


Am I a Geek?

> A geek (pronounciation /gi:k/ ) is a person who is fascinated, perhaps obsessively, by obscure or very specific areas of knowledge and imagination. Geek may not always have the same meaning as the t...


Being British

Some of the emails are hilarious but this is one from a chap in Switzerland.


MySQL Backup Script

``` #!/bin/bash # MYSQL Backup Script # # Creates: # $BACKUP_PATH/ # '-- yyyy-mm-dd/ # |-- database_name.sql Full database backup # `-- database_name/ # |-- table1.sql Individ...

HostingOpen SourceUncategorizedWork Life

OSGERMS renders a page

Okay, so it only says "Hello", but it's a start. The system is separated into a share and docroot directory, where the docroot contains a symlink to the index.php in the share directory, and deploymen...

Open Source

PHP Training Australia web site launched

Yes folks, the wheels are moving. We've designed a few modules and are about ready to give our first course. There's probably another week's work to do, and then we'll announce the first course date, ...

Work Life

BAHS Web Site Goes Live

No reason it shouldn't have, but after a major email outage after their last DNS update a few years ago, I'd been warned that they'd had little success and that I should proceed with extreme caution.

HostingOpen SourceUncategorized


We had planned to meet Judy at the Aboriginal Health Service the next day, but forgot it was a public holiday. Tuesday morning we found out she was on holiday. But all was still well, as Michel helped...

Open SourceRandom

Dubbo Zoo

We left the pub at 11pm just after the police arrived to take away a very drunk and very loud young lad to go back and drink a bottle of bubbly outside our cabin.


West Wyalong

1 day into our holiday at BogieBush, Sandrine decided to drop a beam on her finger, as you do, and was forced to relax instead of work. Anyone who knows Sandrine knows this simply meant struggling wit...
