We stayed in Dubbo from the 30th of Dec until the 1st of January. New Year in this town was interesting. No fireworks (fire danger), no streets of crows with big screen displays and a major celebrity counting down to midnight, just people going to pubs, big scary bouncers giving out (and wearing) paper tiaras and blowing those funny horn things with the paper that unrolls and gets soaked in your beer.
We left the pub at 11pm just after the police arrived to take away a very drunk and very loud young lad to go back and drink a bottle of bubbly outside our cabin.
Well, I was going to tell you about Dubbo Zoo, or so the title of this post would lead you to believe! There will be pics up on the photos site as soon as I get round to uploading them (probably when I get home and I have faster access to the server). The zoo itself is great - they've designed it so it appears there's nothing between you and the wildlife.
With the exception of really tall wire fences around big cats that can jump higher than small cats (which is still quite high), most enclosures are small lumps in the ground (think levy) with a fence on the other side of the mound, no higher than the mound. In other words, you can't see the fence. The animals also have plenty of room to move around - must be great.
I'm thinking of updating my reincarnation wish from cat (just laze around) to any chimp type animal. Imagine having the best aerial trapeze skills in the world, and getting bored with how long you can dangle by one arm before throwing yourself 30 metres to another tree. I'm sure he was showing off, but so would I if I could do half of what he could...