The OSDC AGM will be held on Wednesday the 22nd of March at 6:30pm
The address is:
myinternet House Level 8, 14-20 Blackwood St. North Melbourne Come along and help us make the 2006 Open Source Developers' Conference a reality.Nominations may be made by the 15th of March by email to Your message should include the name of the person you are nominating, and the position you are nominating them for.
The current positions are:
- President (Committee Chair)
- Vice-President
- Secretary
- Treasurer & Registration
- Sponsorship Manager
- Publicity Officer
- Location Manager & Catering
- Programme Committee Chair
- Keynote Chair
- Paper Chair
- Promotions
This will be our third year, and we are now in a position to consolidate the gains of the last two conferences, and put on our best conference yet.
We are delighted with the increased international awareness of the OSDC movement, now that OSDC Israel is underway and OSDC::Taiwan is planned for April this year.
Everyone is welcome to the AGM. This is a grass roots effort and we need all the help we can get.