I just received an email from the guys at Your Rights At Work informing me that Senator Barnaby Joyce will be making his decision on the WorkChoices bill on the 28th. He has the power to veto this bill, as a vote of no from him will see the bill destroyed.
We have a little over 3 days to get our views to him, and I would encourage everyone who feels this bill can only be a bad thing, to sign the petition now and get your personal comments to him.
Here were my comments to him:
I read an interesting post on someone's web site (http://tinyurl.com/8zz6j) the other day. I'd like you to have a quick read. The part that drew my attention was: "Trade unions ... were abolished. Along with the unions went other gains in worker's rights including the destruction of minimum wage."
He was talking of the decline in Chile after Pinochet took control, who went on to also privatise the social security system.
I cannot for the life of me find a good reason to vote yes on the new WorkChoices bill. I've tried. I wanted to understand the governments point of view, but I just can't.
If the bill is passed, I have very grave expectations for the future of Australia.
I urge you to not pass this bill, for the sake of all Australians.
With respect, Ben Balbo