Latest articles and thoughts
Powerful Cross Site Scripting Scanning Tool
[Ben Cornwell]( "Ben Cornwell's web site") and I got to chatting during the break and when I suggested we write our own, he didn't hesitate. I don't think he quite realised at t...
Howard and Rudd get on just fine!
<div style="text-align: center"></div>The most u...
Want a free copy of the PHP Anthology, Second Edition?
I'm giving a tutorial this Thursday on "PHP Image Manipulation with GD" at the [Melbourne PHP Users Group]( meeting. Drag yourself along to hear about this, plus [Ben Cornwell](htt...
The PHP Anthology, Second Edition
Save energy while searching the web...
Blackle is Google on a black background. So when you [search using Blackle]( (and assuming you have a CRT monitor), you're saving a teensy weensy bit of electricity. All these teen...
Max talked to Darcy and I
> Max talked to Darcy and ... A. I > > B. Me > > C. My
UK brings in laws to force supply of encryption keys or unencrypted data
While this privacy freak understands the nation's requirement to be able to obtain data that can assist with the aversion of, or investigation into any terrorist activity, I worry about the consequenc...
Helpful support autoresponder
They're shooting monks in Burma!
But last Tuesday Buddhist monks and nuns, revered in Burma, began marching and chanting prayers. The protests spread as hundreds of thousands of ordinary people and public figures joined in, finding t...
A little respect (just a little bit)
I wrote the post to address the not-too-uncommon opinion my friends have that either Sandrine or I are broody, or that we should have kids despite our opinion.
How to reduce the volume of comment spam by 30-50%
But I have to admit - his technique to help reduce spam is ingenious!
BarCamp Melbourne
> Described as "an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from attendees", anyone is welcome to come along for free. Everyone is asked to participate by giving a presentation or leading...