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Want a free copy of the PHP Anthology, Second Edition?
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Want a free copy of the PHP Anthology, Second Edition?

I'm giving a tutorial this Thursday on "PHP Image Manipulation with GD" at the [Melbourne PHP Users Group]( meeting. Drag yourself along to hear about this, plus [Ben Cornwell](htt...

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I promised some extra news in my last post about the PHP Anthology, Second Edition. Well, it's been out for about 5 days now, and I'd like to give you the opportunity to get your hands on a shiny new copy.

I'm giving a tutorial this Thursday on "PHP Image Manipulation with GD" at the Melbourne PHP Users Group meeting. Drag yourself along to hear about this, plus Ben Cornwell's talk on "PHP 6: What's In, What's Out & Why". The best question, most thought provoking comment, or other arbitrarily chosen contribution of the evening will be the proud new owner of one of the first copies in Australia!

If you're not able to make it, or aren't the lucky winner, you can get your hands on your own copy of the PHP Anthology, Second Edition, for as little as $29.95 for the PDF version. That price is probably in US Dollars...