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Howard and Rudd get on just fine!
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Howard and Rudd get on just fine!

<div style="text-align: center">![Howard and Rudd fighting it out rock-paper-scissors style at Parliament](</div>The most u...

Photo by on

Who says Howard and Rudd don't get along? Google's 2007 Australian Federal Election site allows you to view Australian election content in Google Maps.

![Howard and Rudd fighting it out rock-paper-scissors style at Parliament](
The most useful information comes when you zoom in to see what the politicians are up to, and as you can see from these screen shotlets.
![Howard and Rudd on the Beach](
Unfortunately I can't seem to get a link to the google maps that work with the electoral overlay, so here's how to see them for yourself. Head to the [Google Maps with Australian Election content]( page and: Parliament

Enter "Parliament" in the "My postcode or address:" box in the left column, and switch to satellite mode (button at top right of map). Zoom in to the second highest zoom level.


Enter "Queen Elizabeth Drive Bondi Beach" in the "My postcode or address:" box in the left column, and switch to satellite mode (button at top right of map). Zoom in to the second highest zoom level.

In the small box to the bottom right of the map, double click just below the "b" of "Elizabeth" - if you don't see Johny and Kev, try scrolling a little further down and right.


I've been reliably informed that there are another 6 "easter eggs" hidden around Seaworld on the Gold Coast, Tanunda in Adelaide, a well known Melbourne sporting venue, near Barrack St Jetty in Perth, near Mandorah in Darwin and near the Botanic Gardens in Hobart.

Can you find them? Add a comment!