Latest articles and thoughts
Show your support for the government's actions
Why I don't want kids
He mentioned that last time he saw S, she flipped out after another friend commented, yet again, that we should really have kids. There was some comment along the lines of "but it's obvious Ben's gagg...
Update: Software Freedom Day
I spoke to about 30 people about the [Open Source Developers' Conference](, [Melbourne PHP Users Group]( and [BarCampMelbourne]( W...
Software Freedom Day
You're not my friend anymore. I'm taking my toys back!
Alas, my hearties (I'm warming up for [International Talk Like A Pirate Day](, this is no child's tantrum. The world's "near monopolist" in software, Microsoft, has to...
I've started the [BarCampMelbourne]( wiki page and have been talking to George Dickeson who's doing the same for [BarCampAdelaide](
Steve Irwin just died!
GPG for Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, Hotmail and more
> freenigma uses one of the most famous and most widely used cryptographic software packages in the world: the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG)
Amazing Stop Motion Video Creation
Are anti-spam lists finally worrying the spammers?
The email emphasises that it was not sent by Dave Hayes, but rather by "concerned net citizens in response to the growing abuse and corruption \[of the blacklist organisations\]".