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Update: Software Freedom Day
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Update: Software Freedom Day

I spoke to about 30 people about the [Open Source Developers' Conference](, [Melbourne PHP Users Group]( and [BarCampMelbourne]( W...

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Well, I had a blast. Ubermonkey joined me for a while, and I was even interviewed by the guys from Community Media Services as part of their programme 31 Degrees. They said the footage will be available from their site at some point, and I look forward to seeing how much I was shaking and how red my face was. As most people do, I feel quite nervous about talking to crowds, but being recorded means the potential for embarrassment can last a life time :-)

I spoke to about 30 people about the Open Source Developers' Conference, Melbourne PHP Users Group and BarCampMelbourne. While most developers had heard of PHP, the rest were also familiar with it, mainly through web apps they were using.

Similarly with OSDC, most people who were interested were already planning to attend, and were excited and enthusiastic about BarCampMelbourne.

I was pleasantly surprised at the range of people who were aware and interested in F/OSS (free and open source software) and believe exciting times a not far away at all; the Open Source 'movement' seems to be heading for critical mass at a rapid rate.