This site is in the process of being migrated from a previous system. Strange excerpts or content might persist until I clean up the data.


Latest articles and thoughts

Changed Plans

> Ben we are going to need you and Jimmy to complete these 31 hours / 4 tickets by eod Friday. You will need to handover \[sic\] Sind \[sic\] of the tickets to Jimmy. Meeting in the morning 9am


Moving Again?

Nevertheless, the trip wasn't wasted. We were given the opportunity to perform a differential on this town to the other place we were thinking of, and met up with one of Jo's friends and her daughter ...


Virus Begone

I believe the virus has now left the building, and we can go [inspect some property tomorrow as planned](


Working in IT

Meanwhile, however, I'm at home on my personal laptop. I had no idea I'd be working from home, so didn't bring my work machine home, but within about one hour I had VPN connections to the offices in M...


More Bonding

I got up and made porridge for Button, made Jo and myself some tea, we lounged around before Jo went for her marathon sleep. Button and I played games, she was very patient while I did work, happy to ...

EntryFamilyFive ThingsGratitudeLifestyleLoveSelf Discovery

Button: she rocks my world

We posted a message on Facebook yesterday inviting anyone who fancied it to ours for a BBQ. We needed some company, and had a handful of takers, and some that were sad not to be able to make it. Unfor...


Raw Energy

When you come to me, the raw, real you, you tell me how you feel, you don't beat around the bush.



I don't really have much more to add today. Jo and I went to see No Strings Attached, which was \*way\* better than I'd imagined possible. Highly recommended.


My Supporters

A week ago I lodged an application with a court. I now need to ensure the respondent receives those papers a minimum number of days before the hearing, and was informed by the respondent that they mig...

CommunicationEntryFive ThingsFriendsGratitudeIndii

Lunch with Friends


Moments of gratitude and inspiration

How fucking awesome is Alias at the moment? I mean our moment? [Season two episode ten]( "Wikipedia: Alias Season 2 Episode 10")...



I've been out to a number of gatherings with Jo's circle, such as a birthday party in a park, where families crossed each others' paths in the inevitable way they do when children rule the show and th...

CommunicationEntryFamilyFive ThingsFriendsFunIndii