Jo was quite unwell today, to the extent that she didn't leave the house and had 3 or 4 hours sleep during the day. I asked if there was anything I could do. "Everything today, love" was her response. She wondered if she'd need to call Burton's dad to take care of her.
I got up and made porridge for Button, made Jo and myself some tea, we lounged around before Jo went for her marathon sleep. Button and I played games, she was very patient while I did work, happy to tinker around without needing constant entertainment. And the we went shopping.
Button and I have done small grocery trips, gone to pick up fish and chips together, journeys of the 30 minute variety. Today we went to Frankston shopping centre. We started with sushi, naturally, followed by an Aldi shop. This took quite a while, as she was "skating" the trolley. Her task was to push, mine to steer. I also took it upon myself to control the speed, to avoid her taking out shins and small children. She started getting a little restless towards the end, so I distracted her with a short chant. "Hot Chook!"
Jo was craving an organic, free range cooked chicken from Woolworth's, so we rolled in after Aldi shouting hot chook at each other. She thought it was hilarious, and I was glad of a distraction from boredom that worked.
We returned home after some 2 or more hours out of the house and it had been a very successful outing. There had been no attitude, grumpiness or frustration. From either of us :)
The whole day was filled with love and happiness with the three of us frequently and emphatically saying "I love you." And I had my first introduction to going shopping with a child by myself. It won't always be a walk in the park, but I'm grateful that my first experience was.