This site is in the process of being migrated from a previous system. Strange excerpts or content might persist until I clean up the data.


Latest articles and thoughts

Day 5: A Relaxing Day Working Hard in the Garden

EntryFive ThingsGardeningLifestyle

Day 4 (again): Technology

EntryLifestyleRaw FoodThermomix

Day 4: The Power of Manifestation

We rode together, Jo in her car, and me on the bike. As we approached a roundabout, I envisage us flowing around it - nothing stopping us. We slowed, and went straight through. Next was a left turn at...

DirectionEntryLife Changing EventManifestation

Day 3: Lifestyle

EntryLifestyleManifestationRaw Food

Day 2: Me time

To start with, I needed music, so I switched on the home media centre and started playing on random. I've got some crap in there, and I had to skip a few tracks to get something I wanted, and I though...

DietEntryHealthMe TimeRaw Food

Day 1: An old path rediscovered

Now, a year on, I've learned so much about myself, but the main thing I've learned is that I am still no where near where I want to be. The good news is that I'm facing in the right direction, have a ...

DirectionEmpathyEntryLife Changing EventSelf DiscoverySupport


I'm not going to do a year. I'm setting no time frame on this. I'd like to see this become a permanent fixture. It's more than a photo blog, it's my diary. Me, laid bare, for all to read.


Coffee Tasting Results

### The Coffees


How do you relate to your twitter followers?

You see, my twitter feed is public, so it's not like following me will help you, unless you're interested in what I have to say and want that delivered to you. I don't know why @QuitSmokingZone is int...


VPSLand Staff: illiterate, incompetent or just don't care?

Time passed, servers churned, and for the most I was happy. Then MooBox's VPS dropped off the face of the ether. An email to support had the issue resolved in slightly more time that I'd hoped and all...

Customer ServiceHostingUncategorizedWork Life

Senator Stephen Fielding Seeing Spots

While the solar flares debate, which Senator Fielding has recently cottoned on to, has been around for many years, no evidence exists to link them to the current warming, according to Graeme Pearman, ...


Australian Bushfires - Housing the Homeless

Like so many people around the world, we have been touched by the devastating effects of the 2009 bushfires that have swept through Victoria and New South Wales and wanted to use the skills we have to...
