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As I lay there 15 minutes later, wanting so desperately to fall asleep in the warm room, Jacqui walked in, turned on the lights and we all came to the middle of our mats. She's just what I needed - he...

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"I won't make it in time. I'll get there and the doors will be shut. I'll have to turn around, buy some coffee and come home again. Then I can just rest and drink coffee."

As I lay there 15 minutes later, wanting so desperately to fall asleep in the warm room, Jacqui walked in, turned on the lights and we all came to the middle of our mats. She's just what I needed - her style of instruction got me through the 90 minute session without giving in to myself.

I knew on the way there that, should the Universe cause me to actually make yoga this morning, I'd finish the session grateful that I went, but the ego always knows better, doesn't it? And boy was it good, and needed. And as with anything that's good for you but gets in the way of a lie in a breakfast overlooking the bay, my body is in love, again, with this practise, and I can't wait for the next session.

Thanks Universe, for ignoring my intentionally sabotaging manifestation.

I came home to a house full of women and children making menstrual pads for Cambodian women for DonatePads:

In developing countries, some girls stay home from school when menstruating (missing a week of school every month) or drop out completely once they reach that age. If they cannot afford disposables (or there are none available) they have to use whatever they can find. Often leaves or newspapers, cloth rags if they are lucky. Usually these are not absorbent enough.

I prepared food, made drinks and took photos, and soaked in the energy in the house. It was beautiful. And now, I am taking some time out for myself. It's been a long, new, full week at work, and I'm looking forward to cracking this red, and checking out what all the fuss is about Game of Thrones.