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Friends, Fun, Food and Fur
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Friends, Fun, Food and Fur

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Loz arrived at our house on Saturday morning for her long-awaited dreads. I know when I got mine done I was so excited and had been looking forward to it for ages, so I lived vicariously through her for a few weeks as she posted photos and videos of dreads she liked on Facebook. We had friends, big and small, come around to share in the event, and also make us some yummy food on Saturday. It was awesome to be in the company of these fantastic people. As the evening drew near, the atmosphere shifted from energetic family to relaxed conversation when I spent, for the first time ever, an evening with 3 wonderful mums while their children were at home with their dads. The whole day was ace, and by about 10pm we grew weary and decided to call it a day.

We woke up at 9am and Loz returned about an hour later, and after a total of 10 or so hours, her beautiful head of locks were complete. She also gave me a hand-made gift for one my my dreads! Thanks Loz!!