Friday was my last day at Sputnik, and my busiest day that week, what with last minute hand-overs and small jobs landing on my plate. It was also the company monthly lunch, so while there was lots to do, it was an overall socially engaging day even before the evening festivities started, and being the company lunch following my birthday, I also received my birthday card, which is ace. Friday was also the last day of another person at Sputnik, so we had a joint leaving do, starting with lots of beer, opening a bottle of Veuve, and back on to lots of beer. I don't think I've been so trolleyed in a long while, and it turns out Jo's never seen me to pissed either. I'm a quiet drunk it seems...
Jo met a whole swathe of my colleagues and we both had a fun evening.
It's still not feeling weird.
Today, Jo helped me shop for clothes. I'm undergoing a small image makeover, at least for the hours of 9-5, Mon-Fri for the foreseeable future. The world of contracting will put me in environments like Sputnik, where jeans and t-shirt are smart, but my first assignment is for an energy company. They're not quite up there with management consultancy companies that would require me to wear a tie and jacket, but I'll be expected to wear a shirt and trousers. The last time I wore a shirt was in 1999 when I went for a job interview in London, and while I think I know what looks good on me, and I know what feels comfortable on me, I don't yet have the confidence to dress myself in casual business wear just yet.
I always swore I wouldn't wear a shirt for work unless the money was right, and I was right! Be careful what you wish for, eh *smile*