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Moving On
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Moving On

While I won't air dirty laundry in public, I can honestly say that it's been awesome working with pretty much everyone at the company. The people and passion, bar none, are what drives the company and...

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I've done my professional duty now and informed my employer before broadcasting this. I resigned today.

While I won't air dirty laundry in public, I can honestly say that it's been awesome working with pretty much everyone at the company. The people and passion, bar none, are what drives the company and keeps it alive.

So what's next? I was looking for a new full time position in a similar company, same industry, 5 days a week, nothing outrageously different, when one position I interviewed for mentioned that while they wanted a full-timer, they currently had financial approval for a contractor. Well, after having a chat with Jo about the effects, I decided to pursue that side of the industry instead. As it turns out, after going through the interview process with the new company, it appears that they will be better off with a contractor any way.

So while this decision might make it harder to obtain finance for our investment portfolio, and it might cause my periods of work to not be continuous, it does provide us both with the flexibility and financial benefits associated with freelancing.

So here's to the next 3 months and beyond as Jo and I venture many new paths. I'm so excited for what we're creating for ourselves and our futures.