Or not so usual. It's been a while since I sat down to work at home, and it's caught up on me.
I finally got my income tax return completed for MooBox today, 2 months late, and I owe the ATO $400. I'll have to call on Monday to apologise profusely. Again. I really must work out a system for my new business. On that note, I need to do my BAS for the last quarter! The good news is that I'm now ready for the income tax for MooBox for 2011. Given it's not trading any more, I already know the values for the final return and can send that off on July 1st.
That was my morning. Then I started sorting out the finances for my sole trader; updating my financial transactions spreadsheet, starting on the sheets that calculate BAS, capital purchases and depreciation, and income tax return data. I'm planning on making the templates available under a creative commons licence for anyone to use, contribute to, update and share; probably on github. More on that later.
I'm also planning to start a Facebook group for Australian IT Contractors and Freelancers. It can be a lonely job, and while we use social networks to communicate with people we know, sometimes it's useful to put something out to those we don't know. If the group grows enough, it could be a great place to ask for help on financial questions, advertise contracting jobs, get feedback on employers, and so forth.
The afternoon was spent with Jo - our first day to ourselves in 10 days. It rocked *smile*