I'm a really hard person to buy presents for. Ask me what I want and I won't have a clue. I generally don't want things. I'm running out of space for things. You can probably buy me something to wear, or a book - especially if it's educational or thought provoking (I'm not so much in to fantasy and fiction any more). So Jo's been asking me for a while what I want and I've been uselessly forthcoming with shrugs, grunts and silence. On Monday I thought to myself - I don't usually celebrate my birthday, but do I actually want to? An email to Jo later, and I have a short-notice birthday party planned. Facebook invites go out left, right and centre, and Jo becomes an admin to invite those I know who I'm not FB friends with.
30 people expected, with 5 days notice! That's so awesome! I feel totally blessed and thankful to have people in my life who at such short notice will come and celebrate not only my birth anniversary, but also my mother's birthing anniversary with us.
The party got going shortly after 1pm and lasted until late in to the night. We had children running round screaming, chilling out occasionally, playing well together, getting high on chocolate and those awful rubbery sweet things. Adults from a variety of backgrounds (mothers, fathers, childless folk, IT people, technophobes, 20-somethings to 60-somethings. It was a fantastic get together, very family oriented and lots of laughter.
In all honestly, I couldn't have imagined a better birthday present, to be surrounded by the people I love, to have conversations from the divine to the ridiculous, delicious food and the most fantastic cake I think I've seen.
To the women in Jo's circle, I say a huge big thank you for becoming a part of my life and accepting me in to yours. Your passion, energy, love and humour are delightful and nourishing for the soul.
The my friends of old and new, thanks for being a part of my family, for celebrating with me.
To my mum, thanks for bringing me in to this world, for accepting me as the child I was, for allowing me to become the man I am today, and for being the best friend anyone could wish for.
To Jo, the biggest thank you of all. You have brought me so much joy in the past year and a bit, have opened my eyes to things I could not see, have accepted and respect me for who I am, and share so many ideals, goals, wants, desires, philosophies and favourite foods. Your unconditional love is overwhelming at times; in a very, very good way.