I left work at 5pm on the dot, walked to the station, caught a 5.03 train that I didn't know existed, which got me to my connecting station in time to get the earlier express train home, arriving at 5.59pm. That's a very good commute!
Jo had made meat(less) loaf and the house smelt divine, Button headed to bed not long after, and by about 8.30pm our friend had arrived for our movie night.
We watched The Hangover, which to be frank I was expecting to be a cringe-worthy film about hapless men who couldn't look after themselves. I was very pleasantly surprised to find there weren't any cringe-worthy moments and the film was packed with humour. At times you felt pity for them, at times disbelief, but ultimately you felt a strong, if not awkward camaraderie between friends who supported each other without judgement (except in that way that men just can't help gibe each other).
A bit like the friend who visited us tonight, except there's never awkwardness there. And only a little bit of gibing.