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Go Slow
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Go Slow

One of the things with children's educational institutions is the close proximity of children in your household with children in others. I don't remember the last time I rubbed my head against that of...

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Today we had a go slow. The whole family needed some rest and recuperation, except Button who has energy aplenty and can't stop for a minute.

One of the things with children's educational institutions is the close proximity of children in your household with children in others. I don't remember the last time I rubbed my head against that of one of my colleagues, but I hear it's quite common for those under 10 or so.

So inevitably we have lice in our household more often than we'd like, and as you can imagine they love my dreads. It's literally impossible to comb them out. Luckily I found a great product (performance wise, not contents wise!) product some years ago that works first time, so the 3 of us cleansed our scalps today. MooMoo was also in need of critter attention - we'd noticed she'd been scratching herself a lot more than usual so off to the shops we went to get her some anti-flea stuff and a Birthday present!

Yes, folks, our cat, a rescue pet of the 2009 Victorian bush fires, turned 2 today, and she's had a fantastic day. No more itchies, a new toy to play with and lots of cuddles on the couch.

It's been a day of renewal and replenishing.