Woke up this morning at 6am, after a relatively early night, and had breakfast and lounged around. I was taking it very easy still. At about 9am we started finishing the packing (having expected to leave the day before we were mostly packed already any way) and tidied up before checking out.
The cab ride to the airport was uneventful and got us there with 2 hours to take-off, so we stopped for coffee and cake before going through security. Button wasn't too keen on having her toy put through the x-ray machine, but we got through and were pulled over for a random explosives testing thingo. Chatting with the woman performing the security check it turns out the number of people they have to check each day has gone up, so you're more likely to be pulled aside nowadays.
We got through with an hour still to go, and did some shopping, by which time we discovered the flight had been delayed by 35 minutes due to delays in Melbourne. At lest we were there with plenty of time rather than rushing at the end.
After landing, we jumped in the car and promptly got stuck in traffic at Huntingdale Road on the Monash Freeway, so headed straight to Button's dad's place to drop her off before going home to relax, watch some Alias, have food and go to bed.
All in all a hectic day with plenty of time to do it. Quite sleepy throughout, but probably good for my body to rest, physically and emotionally, at the moment. Not sure if I'll be going to work tomorrow yet. The way I'm feeling now, probably not - finding it hard to move. We'll see.
Oh, I also don't have any photos for today.