Okay, for those that don't follow Jo on Facebook, an update on my day. Some of you knew I was having an operation today, and the news is all positive. I feel very blessed to have been able to choose the best in the world to perform the procedure, have had my fantastic woman with me for support, and her beautiful daughter to keep me distracted and entertain me in her own, unique way :) It also doesn't hurt that we're in one of Australia's best weather climates at a nice resort with a pool (not that I can use the pool post op).
For those who didn't know about the op, please don't take it personally. Really only a small handful know, and I'm not ready to share the reason yet. Suffice it to say it was nothing life threatening and it's gone swimmingly.
The photos on this page show me in my lovely blue dressing grown, lying down waiting for the pain killers and sleeping pills to kick in, recovering after the operation with sandwiches, cookies and water (well needed after 15 or 16 hours without food) and finally lounging on the sofa writing this blog post.
After the op, the three of us came straight back to the resort and I got a bit of colour on to my skin while Jo and Button played in the water, we all had a pool-side BBQ and I enjoyed my first beer of the weekend.
All in all, I've had a wonderful day. Even the bit on the operating table was fun. While I was in and out of doziness, I would wake up occasionally to see the operation taking place on a screen. The medical staff were brilliant, friendly, respectful and struck a perfect balance between professionalism and joviality. I pretty much completely woke up half way through, and was able to watch the second half of the procedure without much doziness, which was really fun. I'd watched videos of the procedure on-line before, and seeing it on others made me feel a bit queasy, whereas watching it being performed on me was not issue. I felt nothing; not a jab, not a tug.
Now I'm going to sign off, finish another blog post, and hopefully Jo will come back from parenting Button to sleep in time to get us both a glass of bubbly and celebrate day 3 of our anniversary.