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Day 20: Custom Work in a Commodity World
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Day 20: Custom Work in a Commodity World

[![]( "day20")]( husband and wife operation, the guy tells us he can mak...

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We went to the Mornington Market today and saw some awesome cast iron glass/bottle holders (and some that would hold your fishing rod too!), but none quite right for us. The closest was one with a spike (for the beach) and space for two glasses and two bottles, but we have 3 people and don't need a bottle holder.

A husband and wife operation, the guy tells us he can make it any way we like, so we pick and choose bits from his bits of works, taking the 4-glasses bits from the one with a cooler bucket, the spike from the fishing rod holder on the left, reducing the length of the rod so we don't have to push it so far in and have the glasses next to us when sitting on a beach rug.

In a commodity world, where everything we own, buy, are subjected to, has been homogenised by the consumer product architects to be easily, cheaply and mass produced, I am very grateful for the ability to be able to talk directly to the manufacturer of quality products and have something created the way it works best for me, not his production line.

And all of this for the princely sum of $23.