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StixCampNewstead - the next BarCampMelbourne - seeking sponsors
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StixCampNewstead - the next BarCampMelbourne - seeking sponsors

So what is this StixCamp I speak of? The first ever BarCamp in Australia was [BarCampMelbourne]( 2007, and it was held at Lake Eppalock. Given two people got lost and ther...

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So, I promised to write some more on StixCamp this morning. StixCampNewstead will be the first StixCamp ever. It will be held in the sticks and they will be Victorian sticks!

So what is this StixCamp I speak of? The first ever BarCamp in Australia was BarCampMelbourne 2007, and it was held at Lake Eppalock. Given two people got lost and there were complaints that no GPS coordinates were supplied, this very definitely meets the requirements of "in the sticks".

Last year's BarCampMelbourne was held in the city, and very great it was too. 70+ participants who all thoroughly enjoyed themselves (or at least didn't hate it enough to tell me).

This year, we're returning to the sticks. StixCampNewstead will be held at a beautiful winery in Newstead, Victoria.

So, in addition to letting people know about this upcoming event, we're also looking for sponsors. The event will cost around $50 per head, and there's space for 60, so $3,000 we need. We already have one sponsor, but need plenty more. We're looking for a number of sponsors for smaller amounts, rather than one for the whole lump. If you're interested in supporting this awesome grass-roots event, please get in touch with the organisers. We're also happy to take sponsorship in kind by way of prizes to give away, providing the catering or any other in kindness you can think of.

In return for supporting this event, you'll have your logo and link on the StixCamp Victoria, Australia web site and the BarCampMelbourne web site, receive verbal thanks and recognition during the opening and closing speeches, and in any communication with reporters and be welcome to advertise your support in any way you like (we will assist wherever possible). You can also offer schwag/literature/etc for dissemination and signage for display at the event. See the Sponsor StixCamp Victoria, Australia page for full details.