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3 months of news; has microblogging killed the blog?
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3 months of news; has microblogging killed the blog?

Could it be that more frequent microblogs on Identica and Twitter are to blame for the drop in frequency on this site? Or was it just a busy time of year? I'm not sure.

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I've just realised I haven't written anything here for almost 3 months, and yet I don't feel I've been out of touch or not been updating "followers" with my activities and news. The number of phone calls and emails I've made hasn't increased dramatically, so what's happened?

Could it be that more frequent microblogs on Identica and Twitter are to blame for the drop in frequency on this site? Or was it just a busy time of year? I'm not sure.

So what's been happening with me in the last three months? Sandrine and I moved house for the third (and final?) time in one year, and are now finally living in Portarlington on the Belarine Peninsula, 8 minutes from the beach. I still live and work in Melbourne, but I also get a holiday every weekend now!

Sandrine and I also went to Strathbogie; as some of you know, we used to own a bush block up there. We helped them develop a requirements document for a new community web site and portal, and after a few teething issues, they finally went live in November. The Strathbogie Tableland web site describes itself as a new way for residents and landholders to stay in touch and communicate with each other, and has really taken off with residents and others alike. Their community message board is possibly the most used area of the site.

In other news, I went to both RUXCON and the 5th Open Source Developers' Conference, presenting at the latter on mobile streaming solutions for the open source community.

I've also been trying to fit in work on a new community driven web site that I started in October, but have had little time to spend on lately. Hopefully I'll have more about that soon. Then, of course, there's the work on the next BarCampMelbourne, which will actually be a StixCamp - more on that in a soon-to-follow post.

I think that's about it. Of course there have been other things, but perhaps to minor to mention. You could always follow me on Identica or Twitter to hear the day-to-day stuff. If you like. No pressure!