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If you use a video camera, I need your help!
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If you use a video camera, I need your help!

Please fill in the answers as honestly as you can and don't spare my feelings. It's more important that I know the truth than hear what I want to hear!

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If you're interested in a new range of camera stabilisation equipment that I'm planning to develop then I need your help. Please complete this survey - it only takes 5 or 10 minutes.

Please fill in the answers as honestly as you can and don't spare my feelings. It's more important that I know the truth than hear what I want to hear!

With any luck, the results of this survey will lead to the development of professional camera stabilisation equipment for independent film producers, content and media producers, and training and educational institutes to name a few.

My company, MooBox, wants to make this type of equipment available at a reasonable price in order to allow those companies and organisations that don't have Hollywood budgets to benefit from these technologies.

Please forward this survey invite to anyone that you feel would be interested in this technology - more responses lead to a better understanding of what the market needs and a better product.

Thank you very much in advance for your assistance!