The event was brilliant. I loved it. Everyone says they got a lot out of it. The after party drinks were definitely needed, and tasted so much better for being on Microsoft's tab. I sat down on Sunday afternoon after getting up at 1pm, had a coffee and reflected on the day. It truly was awesome. Lots of organised unorganisation paid off. It worked. The first successful BarCampMelbourne that actually took place in Melbourne!
The best part is that now the ball's rolling, quite a few people have put their hands up to help unorganise the next one, so I won't be on my own this time ;-)
Not that I was completely alone - I had a few people point me in the right direction occasionally, keeping me going. But the next will be much easier, and I might actually get to listen to some of the talks!
So, almost two weeks later, I've gotten round to rejigging the BarCampMelbourne web site and adding a news section, complete with a press release summarising BarCampMelbourne2008. Check it out, and feel free to distribute or republish verbatim...