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Environment Profile WordPress Plugin
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Environment Profile WordPress Plugin

To do this, I'm using three plugins:

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I'm configuring WordPress to work with an external authentication system and need to automatically log in a user and create a new user in WordPress if none exists. The user's details are available to WordPress in environment variables.

To do this, I'm using three plugins:

Firstly, I'd like to thank Daniel for accepting (with changes) my patch to facilitate the creation of non-existent users, an option that can be disabled if you don't want this feature. The first two plugins solved nearly all of my issues, with the exception of using environment variables to fill in the user data on user creation, and in true open source fashion, these three distinct plugins now do a job particularly well, and can be used in conjunction with or separately from each other.

[Update 6th August] I've now had approval from the powers that be, and this plugin is now available for your enjoyment.