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Spain legalise copyright infringement!
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Spain legalise copyright infringement!

Essentially, they're adding a copyright licence in the form of a tax on blank media "including flash memory sticks, blank cd and dvd-rs, even mobile phones and printers", which will be given to the co...

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Maybe they don't think so, but as one person commented in the slashdot article, it's pretty damn close to it!

Essentially, they're adding a copyright licence in the form of a tax on blank media "including flash memory sticks, blank cd and dvd-rs, even mobile phones and printers", which will be given to the copyright holder.

I wonder how they know what I'm going to burn on to the CD. If it is copyrighted music, then who gets the royalty? If I'm just backing up my personal files, can I apply for a refund? As making backups for personal use is still legal in Span, will people who have already paid royalties by purchasing the original CD/DVD be able to apply for a refund?

ZeroPaid story via Slashdot article.